2312 saw Captain Nathaniel Hawkins promoted as the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Sheffield. The Ready Room allows the C.O. to pursue their tasks without the distractions of people conversing around them. Captain Hawkins had a Ready Room that eminated a feeling of tradition, yet also drew heavily on his career as a social sciences officer. Along with the two models of the U.S.S. Sheffield that adorned the table - the current Miranda class and the previous Coventry class [variant], a Vulcan Ketheera was also evident. A book of Starfleet starship technical schematics and history was displayed on the far wall, along with a copy of the specifications of the original Excelsior NX 2000, to remind him of the time visiting his father when he was the CEO of the 'Great Experiment'. Captain Hawkins always made himself available to her officers and crew whenever they needed him, and whenever he was able to.
The Captain's Ready Room is located on Deck One (Room 01 002), along with the Main Bridge. Captain Hawkins uses the Ready Room when he wishes to work privately, yet within easy reach of the Bridge should he be required. The Ready Room makes for a retreat for Captain Hawkins during his shift on the bridge and allows him to have private discussions with one or more of his senior staff whenever he requires.
Dominating the room is the Captain's desk, made from oak framed by stainless steel, with duotronic computer panels seamlessly intergrated into it. A holographic projector allows the captain to see three-dimensional images. Nathaniel has access to all communication channels from here, should he require it. An oak bookcase and shelves with ornaments from a thousand worlds make up the remainder of the Ready Room furniture, along with a comfy sofa for guests for when needed.
Behind the desk that dominates the Ready Room, behind the imposing chair that Captain Hawkins sits in, hangs proudly a replica of the Ship's Insignia for H.M.S. Sheffield and the paintings of the various 'Shiny Sheff's. Plenty of models and images exist of the various Royal Navy vessels named Sheffield, including the battlecruiser of World War 2, the Type 42 destroyer D80 [1976 - 82] and the Type 22 batch 3 frigate F96 [1988 - 2002]. A model of the U.S.S. Sheffield [NCC 1244] in her Coventry class configuration adorns the captain's desk, facing a model of her in her current configuration - as NCC 1976, Miranda class.
HMS Sheffield: namesake of NCC 1976:

The above image is copyright M. D. Thomas. Click on this image for a link to the Haze Grey website.
This is 'Old Shiny, the Southampton class HMS Sheffield [1] from 1937 -1967. Her battle honours included: Bismarck.

Here are 'Shiny Sheff' from the Falklands War. Her life was a short 1971 - 1982. She was the class ship of the Sheffield class Type 42 destroyers. 'New Shiny' was a Type 22 batch 2 Broadsword class frigate. She lasted from 1988 - 2002.

Battle Honours of HMS Sheffield:
Norway 1940
Spartivento 1940
Atlantic 1941 - 43
Bismarck 1941
Mediterranean 1941
Malta Convoys 1941
Arctic 1941 - 43
North Africa 1942
Barents Sea 1942
Salerno 1943
Biscay 1943
North Cape 1943
Falkland Islands 1982
Here are a list of the honoured fallen from her 1982 Falklands campaign, may they never be forgotten:
Petty Officer David R. Briggs, D.S.M.
Catering Assistant Darryl M. Cope
Lieutenant Commander David I. Balfour
Weapons Engineering Artificer Andrew C. Eggington
Sub-Lieutenant Richard C. Emly
Petty Officer Cook Robert Fagan
Cook Neil A. Goodall
Leading Marine Engineering Mechanic Allan J. Knowles
Laundryman Lai Chi Keung
Leading Cook Tony Marshall
Petty Officer Anthony R. Norman
Cook David E. Osborne
Weapons Engineering Artificer Kevin R. F. Sullivan
Cook Andrew C. Swallow
Acting Chief Weapons Mechanic Michael E. G. Till
Weapons Engineering Mechanic Barry J. Wallis
Leading Cook Adrian K. Wellstead
Master-at-Arms Brian Welsh
WEO Lieutenant Commander John S. Woodhead, D.S.C.
Cook Kevin J. Williams
![USS Sheffield, Coventry class [variant]. NCC 1244. TOS-era 'Space shiny'.](sheffcoventry.jpg)
U.S.S. Sheffield, NCC 1244, Coventry class [variant] frigate. The Coventry class U.S.S. Sheffield was an on-off member of the Coventry class. Originally ordered as part of the batch NCC 1243 - 1245. In the advent, the latter two ships were cancelled. Then with the losses in the 2260s, a replacement batch of two were ordered, reactivating the order for 1244 and 1245. These starships, delivered in 2266 and 2267, utilised advances in starship technology. However, the history of U.S.S. Sheffield was to be a brief and turbulent one. Sheffield was to see barely eight years in service, suffering at the hands of the Romulans, Gorn, Tholians, and Klingons - amongst others - in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.
U.S.S. Sheffield ended her days as a testbed for new starship technologies as NX 1244. Utopia Planitia fleet yards utilised the batter ship to test the new sensor pod/torpedo rollbar assembly which they were preparing for the Avenger - and later Miranda - class starships. Various other internal configurations and technologies were tested before Sheffield was replaced by the newer U.S.S. Monarch, NX 1943, Soyuz class. Coventry class U.S.S. Sheffield was then sent to a Starfleet reclaimation facility and disposed of in 2279.

Uniform insignia for Coventry class U.S.S. Sheffield. Image by Nick Cook.