U.S.S. Upholder, NCC 5440, Oberth class:
Captain's Log, Stardate 11385.9. I look back to our recent mission to Artan IV with satisfaction. Starfleet Security notified us of the Orion Pirate base only eight days ago. We called off at starbase 49 only a couple of days later, adding a compliment of Starfleet Special Forces. The Federation has a dim view of these terrorists and is determined to put the fleet of this pre-Federation vestige permenantly beyond use. We suffered minor casualties, and I have the unenviable task of informing the families of Lieutenant Robert Parker and Crewman Talika of their loss. Their deaths were not in vain, but this will be of poor comfort to the wives, husbands, parents, lovers and children of these courageous people. The Orion Pirates have had yet another nail placed in the coffin for their organisation. We added a couple of pirate frigates, a destroyer and their base to the growing list of Orion ships removed from their inventory.

Lieutenant Commander Al-Qenaei, captain of the Upholder, demonstrated why the Oberth class are so respected in the Starfleet. This is Captain Al-Qenaei's first command, and this was his third mission. The Upholder was able to enter the Artan system undetected, her small size and Lt. Commander Al-Qenaei's skill ensuring that the Orion Pirates did not know what was about to befall them. The small size and manoevreability allowed the Upholder to position herself with surgical precision to remove a key Orion communications base and destroy three of their ships using photon charges. The Upholder's role in this destruction is not public knowledge and is classified to prevent Orion revenge against the Upholder and her crew.
Shuttles Righteous and Atlas were both utilised in this covert strike mission, to avoid the risk of transporter beams being detected. The pirate ships were targetted at the same time as the base, allowing for precise co-ordinated destruction of both. The two fatalities were on the planet surface during extraction of the Special Forces Team Beta. Retribution was swift from the other members of the team. Starfleet does not relish the loss of life, but swift and decisive action is required in order to degrade and deminish the capability of the Orion forces. Although Orion is a part of the Federation, these pirate factions have been around since before the Federation was formed.
U.S.S. Upholder, NCC 5440, was launched in 2290 from Copernicus orbital construction yards, Luna. Upholder was swiftly put to use in the Tabula Rasa campaign. The Upholder managed to survive more than one encounter with the Metar and was one of the ships that helped to establish the future Starbase 77. Like other Oberth class vessels, Upholder is commanded by a Starfleet Lieutenant Commander, the Oberth class providing valuable experience before commanding officers move on to larger starships.
Oberth class arrangement
Deck 1 Bridge, conference room, officer quarters, mess hall, lounge.
Deck 2 Shuttlebay upper deck. Enlisted crew quarters, gym, laundry, cargo bay.
Deck 3 Shuttlebay main deck, cargo bays, escape pod access, cryogenic tankage.
Deck 4 Sickbay, life sciences, transporter, main engineering, computer core, life support, waste recycling.
Deck 5 Deuterium tankage, jeffries tube to secondary hull
Deck 6 Deuterium tankage, jeffries tube to secondary hull, plasma flush vent
Deck 7 Deuterium tankage, jeffries tube to secondary hull, deflector generator, structural integrity.
Deck 8 Science/cartography sensor array, science labs, communication buoy magazine.
Deck 9 Science/cartography sensor array, science sensor processing compartment, buoy/torpedo/probe workshop,
Deck 10 Science/cartography sensor array, aft sensor compartment, life support, batteries.
Deck 11 Science/cartography sensor array, batteries.
The Upholder has two shuttles:
01 Righteous
02 Atlas
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