Endurance class
NCC 1862 USS Endurance was converted into the first of the Endurance class reconnaissance frigate under project NXP2284FR. Publically this design was a science-specialised variant of the Miranda class. One aspect that was not discussed was the reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering aspect of the Endurance design. Optomised for sensors, Endurance class gave Starfleet an asset that could be used for command and control of border protection assets. Endurance class quickly succeeded Soyuz class in this role.
The Endurance class became possible with the development of the Da Praesa exploratory package, of which the Costias Long-Range Data Pod (LRDP) is the principal component. Unlike the Miranda class light cruiser and the earlier Avenger class heavy frigate refits of the original Miranda class design, the Endurance class sacrificed the photon torpedo capability for the additional sensors. KWIL precise, short-range sensors are mounted underneath the LN-64 warp nacelles. Even the 'Emperor' Omni-Directional Phaser Cannons (ODPC) of the Miranda class light cruiser design were replaced by the Chng Li A2H sensors.
Starships Vigilant, Hippolyta and Oberon were amongst those that joined Endurance as sister ships. The KWIL sensors located on the LN-64 nacelles required some internal modifications to the warp nacelles. Starfleet Intelligence was exposed to be the sponsor of the new Endurance class design. The investigative article made the point that the Endurance was able to perform Electronic INTelligence (ELINT) and COMmunications INTelligence (COMINT) missions along the Romulan and Klingon borders - a role for which the Endurance class had been purpose-built.
After the loss of both the Enterprise and Hood in recent years - a direct consequence of the disappearance of the Organians from their homeworld - Starfleet Command wanted to improve the intelligence picture and start to be proactive, rather than reactive. Endurance class was designed to give that extra information that was an improvement on the aging Soyuz class design of the 2270s. Like the historical Nimrod aircraft of 51 Squadron of the RAF in the 20th and 21st Centuries and their RC-135W Airseeker successors, the Endurance class was there to learn about cultures from what could be extracted from open space and the right side of the border.
Endurance class Reconnaissance Cruiser specifics:
Primary Hull:
01 Main Bridge, Ready Room
02 Executive Deck - First and Second Officers offices and Briefing room.
03 Senior Crew Quarters, Junior Crew Quarters, Crew Quarters, Cryptography department.
04 VIP lounge, Officers Quarters, Arboretum, Quartermasters office, Sensor analysis labs, Main Deflector, Main Impulse Drive, Deuterium Tanks, Main Engineering
05 Officers mess, Gym, Swimming pool, Crew Quarters
06 Crewman and NCO quarters, Food synthesis equipment, Primary navigational deflector, Shuttlebays
07 Main deck - Sickbay, Transporter Room
08 Docking level - Docking ports, Aux fire control, Fabrication facility, Laundry, Reclamation, Anti-matter Storage, Cargo
09 Computer laboratory, Intelligence department, Temperature regulation
10 Circuit breaker deck Cargo
11 Main Sensor Array, Navigation dome
Length: 233 metres
Beam: 142 metres
Height: 58 metres
Crew: 223 [23 officers, 200 enlisted]
Cruising Warp 7 [OCU]
Max Warp 11 [OCU]
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.2 for 12 hours (new scale)
Armament: 6 dual type-7 phaser banks; 2 pulse phaser cannons
Defences: Deflector shields

Author's Notes:
Endurance class comes from the fantastic non-canon Ships of the Starfleet volume 1. A frigate derivative of Miranda class, this ship (left) is illustrated with the additional sensor pods on the warp nacelles and the sensor pod replacing the Miranda class torpedo rollbar. This presents itself as being a natural successor to the Soyuz class which also has sensor pods mounted over the ship. This suggests a ship with a reconnaissance role.
All this and the ability to detect emissions from bordering nations, allowing Starfleet Intelligence to 'listen in' on the communications along the frontier and anticipate the mood of the neighbours. And their possible future actions. It is all about gathering intelligence and being one step ahead of any possible threat. In light of this, I would argue that Starfleet put the Antares class into mass production as soon as the design was approved. That way the borders could be made less permeable and the pirates, smugglers, traffickers and terrorists could all be addressed; this would not be a popular design with the neighbours and threats.